Done and dusted.

Day one of clean eating has gone extremely well!
I always get nervous that I’m going to mess it up for myself, but then I remember- I’m the one who controls who picks the cookie out of the biscuit tin! And boy do I love a hobnob..

I started the day with some porridge, had a concoction of roasted veggies for lunch, and some beautifully cooked salmon (and more veggies) that was wonderfully cooked by my SO! Zero snacking, other than a cup of tea and a mint..

I’ve asked my boyfriend to take a ‘before’ picture of me tomorrow- but I’ve asked not to see it. Some people need the before picture for some motivation, whereas it will probably send me in the opposite direction! If I see myself looking a bit tubby, it won’t make me want to workout- it’ll make me look for the chocolate! So he’s going to keep the photographic evidence that I will progress in my feat against the fat.. I’ll take another photograph in four weeks time- and hopefully at that point I’ll feel confident enough to post a progress pic..! Fingers crossed!
(I’m just hoping the photograph he keeps won’t haunt him too much…)

Exercise-wise, today was terrible! I didn’t do any. But, my consolation is that I’ve eaten well. Tomorrow I kickstart the running again (it’s been two weeks since my last 5K, so tomorrow will probably be a challenge!)
But I’m looking forward to it, I miss the satisfaction and the buzz! I’m also hoping to fit in a minimum of three resistance workouts a week. Best get that work in for the abs I’m longing after, ey?

So here’s to tomorrow. Another new day and another day closer to my goal! 🙂

Mucho amore x