Sunday Funday

“The diet starts tomorrow”

Well, contrary to popular thought, a diet is not something that we start on any day. A diet is what you eat- regardless of whether it is healthy or unhealthy. So I propose we forget the word ‘diet’ and start thinking of looking after our wobbly bits.

So, instead, my healthy diet starts tomorrow!
Sunday’s are meant to be a day of rest, but my Sunday will require a spot of willpower. The chocolate is going to have to live without me for a bit- though who am I kidding, I’m the clingy one..

My ‘plan of action’- so to speak- is one compiled of baby steps. As much as I’d love to step into the gym tomorrow and squat a 30kg weight, it’s both impractical and plain idiotic.. So, I’m starting small. A bit like when you ease yourself into a new routine, I’m seeing a healthy lifestyle as exactly that- a new routine. (I do love a routine)

So, what am I restricting in my diet?
As a general assumption, anything that contains five or more ingredients probably isn’t too good for you! Processed food is a big no no. It’s allllll about fresh foods and clean eating (oh how cliche..!)

Exercise wise, I’m hoping to run 5K a minimum of 3 times a week. In conjunction with this, I’ll be using Dumbbells daily on specific areas of my body.

My legs are something I detest, so some leaner tree trunks hanging from the rest of me would be lovely. So I’ll be looking at doing some exercises that specifically target these not-so-beautiful things..! I’m still fairly uneducated when it comes to these, so any help will be highly appreciated! Otherwise, squats and lunges will be the most popular words in my vocabulary for a while.. In addition, I’d love a toned tummy. So ab exercises will be featured too!

A key factor is also lots of water- stops me feeling so hungry too! And your skin will feel a hundred times more energised.

So, here’s to the beginning of a healthy lifestyle.
365 days to love my body.

5 thoughts on “Sunday Funday

  1. Just quickly read through. If you’re looking to lean out, increase your protein intake, and cut down on a lot of your carbohydrates. I’m sure you’ve probably heard that before, but it’s a key to success. Protein not only help you maintain lean muscle which in turn eats up calories you take in, it also has the side effect of stifling your diet. The only thing I would recommend would be to make sure you practice your form using very light weights first. Improper form limits results, and could potentially lead to injury. Other than that. Good luck, and have fun.


  2. awesome! i’m so glad you’re starting your fitness journey! 🙂 i’m a fitness blogger on here! Everything that you’ve said here is awesome! and that’s right, baby steps! i’ve actually written a post on how to motivate yourself this 2015! I’m here to support you on your journey! 🙂 good luck, you can do it! 🙂


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